San Juan – Puerto Rico

First International Conference

Community Psychology:

Shared Agendas in Diversity

From June 8 to 10, 2006, the First International Conference was held of Community Psychology: Shared Agendas in Diversity, whose headquarters was the University of Puerto Rico, R o Piedras Campus in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Representatives from more than thirty countries of the world. 

“This conference, which underwent almost three years of planning, utilized hundreds of volunteers, and in which almost 200 people participated, represented a struggle against institutional mills, bureaucracy, and colonialism. We will never forget the powerful image that was engraved in the minds of those of us who attended the activity’s opening session when they asked at least one person to stand up and represent each country, and social community psychologists from 36 countries of the world showed us their diverse faces” (International Community Psychology: Shared Agendas in Diversity, p. xxxv) 

Conference # of total participants # of countries Proportion of nationals to foreigners
I   San Juan 360 34 41% Puerto Rico

59% from other countries


More from San Juan conference here