Lisbon – Portugal

Building participative, empowering & diverse communities

Visioning Community Psychology in a worldwide perspective

Lisboa, 4-6 June, 2008

The II International Conference on Community Psychology in 2008 has had as main aim to contribute towards the advancement of an international movement inspired in the principles and values of community psychology. The presence of delegates from 36 different countries and the support of international organizations such as SCRA (Society for the Community Research and Action), ECPA (European Community Psychology Association), and the Community Psychology Colleges of the Iberoamerican and Australian Psychology Association, was for us an honor, and also we have had representatives from national associations from New Zealand, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, and Portugal, providing to this event a globalized dimension.

Conference # of total participants # of countries Proportion of nationals to foreigners
II Lisbon 564 39 28% Portugal

72% other countries

More form Lisbon 2008 conference here