10th ICCP –  University of the Republic, Montevideo,

September 10 and 13th, 2024

The organizing team of the 10th International Conference on Community Psychology and the Meeting of Socio-community Experiences in University Extension, calls for proposals that address themes related to 2024 programming.

The THEMES that will organize the exchange are the following:
1) Emerging collective actions, forms of resistance and inventio
2) Disputes for life. Territory, environment and collective processes
3) Participatory methodologies for strengthening collective processes
4) State, forms of the political and communalization of the public
5) Daily life, community health and collective dimension of care
6) Expressions of violence: what insists and what changes
7) Community Psychology in the current situation. Dialogues with decolonial
approaches and feminist epistemology.
8) University and cognitive capitalism. Challenges for teaching, extension and
knowledge (co)production.

For more information see conference website

NEW PROJECT – Sur o No Sur / South or No South 

YouTube Channel

Sur o No Sur (South or No South), Community Psychology from the south of the world, is a YouTube channel for academic training and dissemination of disciplinary content, specializing in Community Psychology. We seek to contribute to the training and reflection of all those who are interested in social and community intervention.

We have already finalized the first season where we interview leading academics regarding their work, with special emphasis on the recent history of Community Psychology in Latin America and Ibero-America, and the main themes of the production of these authors.

Welcome everyone, we invite you to this trip from the south of the world.

Our channel address is: https://youtube.com/channel/UCYQuxkPGnlJue1kvB4ODTQA

Equipo Sur o No Sur

Jaime Alfaro Inzunza

Carlos Ovalle Quiroz

Marcos Calbun González

Sur o No Sur, Psicología Comunitaria desde el sur del mundo, es un canal YouTube destinado a la formación y divulgación académica de contenidos disciplinares, especializado en Psicología Comunitaria. Buscamos contribuir a la formación y la reflexión de todas y todos quienes estén interesados en la intervención social y comunitaria.

Ya hemos concretado en primera temporada donde entrevistamos a destacados académicos respecto de su obra, con especial énfasis en la historia reciente de Psicología Comunitaria en América Latina e Iberoamérica, y los principales temas de la producción de estos autores.

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos, los invitamos a este viaje desde el sur del mundo.

Nuestra dirección es : https://youtube.com/channel/UCYQuxkPGnlJue1kvB4ODTQA

Equipo Sur o No Sur

Jaime Alfaro Inzunza

Carlos Ovalle Quiroz

Marcos Calbun González